WELCOME CWA STATE CONFERENCE Let us start by welcoming all of the delegates and guests to the CWA State Conference, and congratulations to the local CWA in securing the conference in Bega. On behalf of the local business community, we trust you will have a great time while you are here and enjoy this great area and all it offers.
BEGA LATE NIGHT SHOPPING – NEXT THURSDAY 6TH MAY Bega will be open for late night shopping next Thursday the 6th of May in the lead to Mother’s Day and with the CWA conference delegates in town. This initiative was started by Jess from the “The Hub” and has really gathered momentum and the Chamber is enthusiastically supporting it as well. Most of our retailers will be open late, and as a bonus the Bega Valley Regional Gallery will also stay open so you can view their latest exhibition. Remember when you support a local business, you’re also supporting local jobs and families.
If you will be staying open please let us know via the link below so that we can have you added to the Facebook event. YES WE WILL BE OPEN FOR LATE NIGHT SHOPPING
GREEN SHOOTS PROGRAM – COMMUNITY BANNERS The communities of Cobargo, Quaama, Bemboka, Candelo, and Tathra have come together and created some fantastic banners as part of our green shoots program. On Friday the 9th of April, the banners and their creators came together to display them in Sapphire Market Place. It was terrific to hear their journey of working together to come up with what their banners would look like and then getting the paint out and creating them. In the end it was too hard for the judges to pick a winner, so the prize money was split evenly and will be spent back in their communities. We would like to especially thank Sapphire Market Place for allowing us to display the banners in the mall and keep an eye open for them popping up in the areas they were created.
Chamber membership continues to grow and this month we welcomed The Sapphire Marketplace and its manager Richard Watkins. We also welcomed The Publicans Wife which is owned by well-known local Alexis Creary; and welcomed NBNco. We look forward to supporting you all.
TOWN MINI SUMMIT As mentioned in last months’ newsletter, the Bega Chamber is hosting a mini summit. Due to scheduling difficulties the date has now been locked in for Wednesday May 19th and we have some inspirational individuals and organisations coming along to share their ideas and vision. Thank you to those community members who have written to us with their own ideas and be sure they will be tabled at the summit. Of course, if you would like to share an idea or view about our Town then please drop us a line at info@begachamber.com.au