MINI SUMMIT – BUILDING A BETTER COMMUNITY Following on from our mini summit in May, a second meeting was held on Wednesday 16th of June again bringing together community leaders to discuss issues and projects that are set to improve our town and district. Over the two meetings we heard from Sapphire Community Projects; Bega Cheese; PCYC; 2pi Software; South Coast Historical Society; Bega Showground Trust; Local Dairy Farmer Norm Pearce and also discussed written submissions from members of the public on a range of other issues. We conducted a SWOT analysis of our area on Day 1 of the summit – Some of the strengths recognised were: Pristine natural environment without overpopulation A welcoming and collaborative community A stable and diverse economy with resilient businesses A diverse yet integrated community (demographics, culture, talents) The name and the heritage At the same time some of our weaknesses identified were: Small scale population and economy Loss of talent, structural issue due to low expectations and opportunities Lack of entertainment and youth activities Lack of affordable housing, 400 houses lost in fires and highest homeless per capita Opportunities discussed were: Helping Bega to become a destination beyond service – more than a service hub Bega cheese destination facility and circular economy plans Clean energy developments Increased use of digital tech Further economic diversity to improve resilience Over the coming months, these discussions will be developed further and come together in a comprehensive strategic plan. We want this plan to encompass the current and future needs of Bega with aspirations for building a better community. A plan that we can continually remind politicians, community leaders and those with the influence of where this community is heading. This month we welcomed Oliver and the team from Chiropractic Life Bega. Welcome to the chamber – we trust that you will get great value out of your membership. ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING – WEDNESDAY 21ST JULY The Annual meeting of the Chamber will be held on Wednesday July 21st at the Bega TAFE at 6pm. Our special guest for the evening will be Member for Bega and Minister for Transport and Roads Andrew Constance. At this meeting we will present a summary of our activities from the last twelve months and plans for the coming year. We will also elect the new executive for the coming year so if you would like to get more involved with your Chamber then please contact us. One major event will be our Customer Service awards which will be launched at this meeting with the awards night to be held in October. Soon we will be calling for nominations from the public for a business or service provider who gives exceptional customer service. It will also be about recognising individuals who go the extra mile, so we would encourage everyone to start thinking about who they might like to nominate. A separate meeting invitation will go out to all members in the next week. NEW COVID RESTRICTIONS There have been significant changes to COVID-19 restrictions over the weekend that will have an impact on our local businesses. You can stay up to date with daily changes at the NSW State Government COVID webpage. You’ll also find posters and signs to display in your business here as well. |