
Keep up to date with Business News

Business News is Council’s fortnightly e-newsletter; covering the latest local, state and national business information.

The newsletter is a key communication channel for business support and economic development in the Bega Valley.
You can view and subscribe to Business New on the Business & Investment page on Councils web site or by clinking this link Business News.

Feedback and topic suggestions are always welcome, you can contact Dan, Alison and Tim in the Economic Development team on (02) 6499 2222 or

Feel free to spread the word on Business News to your networks and add this link to your digital places.

Submit a Chamber Event

Fill in this online application and once approved your event will be added to our chamber events page.

Submit a Community News post

Fill in this online application and once approved your post will be added to our community news page.​

Submit a Community Event

Fill in this online application and once approved your event will be added to our community events page.​

Fill in the form below to reserve your spot.​

October Networking Event @ UOW Bega Campus

Membership Application

Fill in this online application and once approved we will email you an invoice, please ensure all details are correct so that we can keep in contact.​