Community Event

Velocity’s Winter wellness program

This program commences on 15 July and runs for 6 weeks, finishing on Sunday 25 August. Winter wellness is open to all ages and abilities in the Bega Valley. Our focus is to create a healthier and fitter population by providing the tools in a supportive program to create actionable simple steps to create lasting habits and change.

Submit a Chamber Event

Fill in this online application and once approved your event will be added to our chamber events page.

Submit a Community News post

Fill in this online application and once approved your post will be added to our community news page.​

Submit a Community Event

Fill in this online application and once approved your event will be added to our community events page.​

Fill in the form below to reserve your spot.​

October Networking Event @ UOW Bega Campus

Membership Application

Fill in this online application and once approved we will email you an invoice, please ensure all details are correct so that we can keep in contact.​