
Networking Breakfast

By now you will have heard of the term “Circularity” and the “Circular Economy” and like many others you may be wondering what it is.

In the coming years Bega is set to become the National Circularity Centre with a significant building planned for a site at North Bega.

Andrew Taylor who the Circularity Program Manager will be joining us for breakfast to explain what it is all about and maybe even give us a sneaky look at the plans for this spectacular building.

Breakfast and coffee will be free but if you could email to confirm your attendance for catering purposes that would be great.

Hope to see you there.


Fill in the form below to reserve your spot.​

October Networking Event @ UOW Bega Campus

Membership Application

Fill in this online application and once approved we will email you an invoice, please ensure all details are correct so that we can keep in contact.​