
May 2021 Update

Mini Summit – Building a Better Community
On Wednesday 19th of May, community leaders came together to discuss issues and projects that are set to improve our town and district. The afternoon commenced with the completion of a SWOT analysis, where we discussed those things that make this area great, and areas where we need to improve. Various organizations and individuals including Sapphire Community Pantry, Bega Cheese, PCYC to name just a few then presented their plans and ideas. Some plans are well developed, and soon to come into fruition, while others still require much planning. The participants enthusiastically endorsed a follow-up meeting to continue the development of a strategic plan which will take place on June 16th. If anyone would like further details of the discussion then feel free to reach out to the Chamber, otherwise a comprehensive summary will be produced following this next meeting.
Tafe is an important contributor to our work and training sector, and they are currently conducting a major survey to better understand training needs and gaps in the South Coast area. If you would like to help them out, then please follow the link below and give them some feedback. Survey closes June 14th.    TAKE THE SURVEY HERE  

As mentioned last month, the Chamber is exploring the feasibility of creating a shared working space in Bega. If you are ever in need of an office space for the occasional appointment and are interested in using this type of a facility, then please let us know. We are looking into the demand for this type of space and the response will determine if we go ahead with it.


Last Thursday evening we held our May Networking night at Southern Home Furniture One. Jess Shearer from Service NSW spoke about how they are offering $1500 rebates to all businesses as well as the Mice Bait Rebate scheme. Get in touch with Jess for more information. 

Our events committee are busy organising several events including our major Christmas Promotion and our Customers Service awards, but they would love your help. If you are interested in helping to organise events to promote the town then let us know at; many hands make light work.

New members that have come on board this month are Boyce Accounting, who are an Australia wide Accounting practice specialising in rural and regional areas. They have a new office in Ayers Walkway. Also joining this month is NGH Consulting who are a great local success story with 100 staff at various locations around Australia and was started in the area almost 30 years ago by Nick Graham-Higgs. Their head office is in Bega. We also welcomed Shylea Ulrick of Lifestyle Advisers Pty Ltd. We trust you all get great value out of your membership.

Submit a Chamber Event

Fill in this online application and once approved your event will be added to our chamber events page.

Submit a Community News post

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Submit a Community Event

Fill in this online application and once approved your event will be added to our community events page.​

Fill in the form below to reserve your spot.​

October Networking Event @ UOW Bega Campus

Membership Application

Fill in this online application and once approved we will email you an invoice, please ensure all details are correct so that we can keep in contact.​